Age of Ultron
"Age of Ultron" is a 2013 comic book fictional crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that involved the conquest of the Earth by the sentient robot tyrant Ultron. The... Wikipedia
- Publisher: Marvel Comics
- Schedule: Thrice monthly (first 6 issues), twice monthly (last 4 issues)
- Format: Limited series
- Genre: Superhero
- Publication date: March – June 2013 in comics
- Number of issues: 10
- Main character(s): Avengers, Hank Pym, Wolverine, Invisible Woman, Ultron, Avengers Unity Squad, Fearless Defenders
- Writer(s): Brian Michael Bendis
- Artist(s): Bryan Hitch (#1-5, 10), Brandon Peterson (#6-10), Carlos Pacheco (#6-7, 9-10), Butch Guice (#10), Alex Maleev (#10), David Marquez (#10), Joe Quesada (#10)
- Inker(s): Paul Neary (#1-5, 10), Roger Bonet (#9-10), Roger Martinez (#6-7, 9), Tom Palmer (#10)
- Letterer(s): Cory Petit
- Colorist(s): Paul Mounts, Jose Villarrubia (#6-7, 9), Richard Isanove (#10)
- Creator(s): Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch
- Editor(s): Tom Brevoort, Lauren Sankovitch
- Data source: DuckDuckGo